Deep Lake Software

Rooting for great companies wherever we can find them.

About Us

We're a software development and solutions company focused on driving value for our customers, employees, and owners every day through investing, operating, and growing great companies.

Our Work

We work with fast growing--or should we say "potentially" fast growing start-ups and companies that are already on the path to success but could use our skills to help them breakthrough. Whether that's investment, adding a skillset missing from the team, or pivoting the crew to the real opportunity, we work to take the value already there and grow it--significantly.We're hands on operators with experience across every part of the software cycle--from selling and marketing, to developing and strategizing, to billing and hiring.Our secret sauce really isn't a secret--we like each other, we like what we do, we like working with each other to do what we do best.

Contact Us

Interested in working with us or have a company you think we' be interested in? Just fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!

Thank You

Thanks for stopping by, hope to get in touch with you soon!